
“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.”
– C.S. Lewis

Want to write for Keeping The Republic? First, make sure you understand what KTR is all about. If you are on board with our mission of promoting truth, justice, and unity, we would love to read your submission. Here is what we are looking for:

Blog Posts

Blog posts are short reflections on, well, pretty much anything we cover; politics, national security, great books, theology, or education. Posts will typically range from 400 to 600 words. These posts do not have to provide clear answers or arguments. Making the reader think is the goal here. Often, successful blog posts will help readers understand something society is currently wrestling with by reminding them of what great writers have already written on the subject. Here are a few examples:

Brutus I and Trump’s Troops on the Border

These Four Quotations Will Make You Rethink the US-Mexico Relationship


Essay submissions should reflect much deeper thought and reflection than would be seen in a blog post. Essays should take a firm stance on some moral, political, or social issue, and that issue should be explored through the writings of great authors or through historical cases.

Essays will typically run about 1,000 words, but there is no firm limit. Keep in mind though that few readers will read a piece beyond 1,000 words. Here is an example of what we are looking for:

Orwellian Nationalism—On the Right and the Left—Poses a Grave Threat to the American Republic

Lesson Plans and Socratic Seminars

Do you have a lesson that you look forward to every year? Do you have a topic that gets you pumped and makes you feel like you are having a positive impact on the lives of your students? Would you let us publish this plan for other teachers to use?

We would love to look at anything you send in, but we are especially interested in interdisciplinary Socratic discussions that link history, literature, philosophy or politics. We are also especially interested in lessons and discussions that inform us about human nature and point students towards truth, justice, and unity.

Here is an example of what we are talking about:

Just War Theory and the Mexican-American War

To Submit

  1. Send submissions to Include your submission in the body of the email, not just as an attachment.
  2. Include a short biography, which will be published along with your submission. This biography should include links to any social media accounts you wish to promote.
  3. List your by line, as you wish it to appear.
  4. If your essay has extensive citations, also send a pdf of the document. Likely we will publish the work without citations, but we will post the pdf at the bottom of the page for those that wish to see your citations.
  5. Paste the Submission Agreement (see below) into the body of your email. This serves as a record that you agree to all of the points in the Submission Agreement.

Submission Agreement

By submitting this material, I certify the following:

  1. I certify that by submitting my content to, I am giving Keeping The Republic (KTR) the right to publish my material. I certify no other website or publication is actively considering this material.
  2. I certify that KTR has seven calendar days to consider my material for publication before I will withdraw it. If I withdraw it after the seven day period I will send a formal notice of withdrawal to
  3. I understand that if my submission is selected it will be published under a Creative Commons International License, which means I will be attributed as the author and I will keep the rights to my work. I understand that others, however, will be able to use my work freely as long as they list me as the author.
  4. I certify that I am not submitting any material for which I do not own the rights. If I do not own the rights, said material is in the public domain. This includes all text, images, and multimedia that I submit.
  5. I certify that my submission contains no classified material.
  6. I certify that my submission has not been published elsewhere. If it has been published elsewhere, I have informed KTR of this and I have ensured I have the right to re-publish it.
  7. I understand that any publications that subsequently publish this work must list Keeping The Republic as the original publisher of the material.
  8. I understand that KTR editors have the right to make minor changes to my work such as fixing grammatical errors and reformatting, as necessary.